Canadian Popular ETFs

 Some Popular ETFs in Canada

First Published Date : July 10, 2010

Investing in exchange-traded funds is considered to be one of the better ways to invest in the stock market. Where usually you are trying to beat the stock market, with exchange-traded funds you are only mirroring the index itself. This means that there is a better chance for long-term rewards. Of course, conversely you will end up having lower reward because there is lower risk. However, with lower risk comes the long-term ability to slowly build your investment without worry that you will lose it all. In Canada, ETFs are a very popular because they are somewhat safer investment vehicle than others and here are the most popular ETFs within Canada.

·   iShares CDN Jantzi Social Index: if you want to be socially-responsible with your investments, then this is the ETF for you. All the stocks on this index are picked through an extensive process that must meet criteria in terms of environmental records, social records and governance. This index has consistently outperformed the TSX 60 Index, which it mirrors.

·   iShares CDN LargeCap 60 Index: The most popular ETF in Canada, it consistently does well, leading the list of the most active TSX stocks. More than any other ETF in Canada, this is the choice for most investors who want to invest securely and safely.

·   Claymore S&P/TSX Cdn Dividend: This ETF tracks the TSX Canadian Dividend Aristocrats Index, which has stocks and income trusts on it that have, for at least five straight years, continually raised their dividends on an annual basis. One of the biggest benefits here is that there is a high yield dividend, twice that of other ETFs, plus the fact that there is very little competition on the ETF when compared with other ETFs like iShares.

·   Horizons AlphaPro Managed TSX 60: One of the more unusual of ETFs, this one is actively traded, which is unusual for ETFs as most use simple index tracking, rather than having a broker populate a list of stocks. What the broker will do is take the index and play around with the stocks on it to find the best option. The one drawback is that the ETF has only been around for a year and a half, so there is very little history to go on.

·   Claymore Canadian Fundamental Index: This ETF uses a basic index approach in that it will look at various factors based on things like revenues and cash flow, which gives a better and higher rating to stocks that are undervalued. Each year in March, the stock is rebalanced to reflect any changes in the world of the stock market. This index routinely does better than others, making it very popular for ETF investors.

If you are investing in ETFs, then you are probably doing it because it provides you with long term rewards and lower risk. If you are in Canada, then these are some of the ETFs you can keep an eye on to meet your investment goals to give you consistent rewards well into the future.