How to Check Investment Products

How to Check If Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds, ETFs, Securities Are Legit and Not Scams

First Published Date : August 10, 2011

I discussed how to check out your financial advisor in this article: How to Do a Background Check on Your Financial Advisor, Investment Advisor, Broker, Financial Planner. Today, I will further discuss how to check investment products so your hard-earned money does not go down the drain.

My Best Advice

When you are ready to buy your investments, my best advice would be not to rush into it and take your time to do some research before buying any investment products such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, GICs, ETFs, or anything else you can possibly imagine.

Tools and Resources You Can Use to Check Investment Products

I am going to give you lots of useful links leading to various tools and resources in this section. I suggest you bookmark or save this article so you can come back and read it later or you can access this article whenever you will need to use these tools and resources.

Know About Internet and Investment Fraud and Scams

This is the first thing to do – have a basic understanding about Internet and Investment Fraud and Scams. Once you have some knowledge on how con artists work, everything else will be a lot easier for you to follow. Here are the links to some great articles on A Dawn Journal:

– Internet and Investment Fraud and Scams

Here are some free eBook links:

Protect Your Money: Avoiding Frauds and Scams

Investing and the Internet

Scam Artists Pursue Adults Over 50

Information about Individuals and Companies Which May Pose Risks

OSC Investors Warning Page

A List Containing Individuals and Companies Which May Pose Risks

OSC Investors Warning List Page

OSC Tools and Resources Webpage

– Investors Protect Against Fraud Page

OSC Investment Fraud Checklist

Check Before You Invest

IFE (Investor Education Fund) Money and Investing Information Site

Get Smarter About Money

U.S. Tools and Resources Links

Protect Your Money: Check Out Brokers and Investment Advisers

FINRA Protect Yourself Page

Remember, use your common sense and vigilance as they are your best defence. If you ever believe you have been a victim of fraud and scams, here is what you can do:

– Call your local RCMP detachment or your Police Department

– Report your situation online through Reporting Economic Crime Online

– Visit PhoneBusters, send an email to, or call 1-888-495-8501