Kindle Paperwhite: First Impressions and If It’s Worth the Cost

My First Kindle Paperwhite – Why I Bought An eReader

I donated 75% of my paper books a decade ago and have been sluggish about reading books since then. Most of my reading materials now are online. I attempted to read paper books every now and then, but it was unsuccessful because I felt weird reading something that is not a screen.

I saw people reading eReaders, but kept putting myself off buying one for the various excuses that my mind came up with. Finally, I forced myself to buy an Amazon Kindle Paperwhite to start a new tutorial series on my A Dawn YouTube Channel and my experience has been phenomenal so far.

I like the idea that I can take as many books as I want with me anywhere I go. This feature alone would be a huge plus for getting an eBook reader. Another big difference I noticed is that reading a book on an eReader (rather than a tablet or laptop) is that the screen mimics a paper page and is glare free. It doesn’t hurt the eyes and doesn’t feel like I am looking at a device screen.

The Amazon Kindle ecosystem offers overwhelming volumes of book options and a lot of them are actually free. My Kindle Paperwhite 11th Gen even synced all my eBooks that I bought many years ago and forgot about.

I liked my Kindle Paperwhite so much that I am planning to get another eReader, a Kobo Libra 2, which has a different ecosystem. One big advantage the Kobo has is that you can borrow a book from the Toronto Public Library and directly download it to your Kobo device without stepping foot in the library.

I will be sharing more posts about my Kindle and Kobo experiences on my YouTube Channel and on this site.