Couple’s Travel Hack: How to Explore the World with Only a Carry-On

Couple’s One Bag Travel Hack: How to Travel with Only a Carry-On

When my travel companion and I embarked on a month-long adventure through Thailand and Dubai, we faced the challenge of packing light. Our goal was to travel with just one carry-on suitcase between us. Here’s how we did it:

Sharing Is Caring: The Half-and-Half Strategy

We opted for a 21-inch suitcase and we each claimed one side, which forced us to be selective about what we packed. This strategy not only saved space but also encouraged us to prioritize the essentials.

The Art of Minimalism: Less Is More

We brought only 3 pairs of socks, 3 t-shirts, 3 undergarments, etc. and kept washing them at the hotel each night. We only brought 1 pair of pants each. Our suitcase weighed in at a mere 12 kg, well below the 15 kg limit for short flights within Thailand.

Mastering the Personal Item: Navigating Budget Airlines

The 7-KG Challenge

Budget airlines impose strict weight limits on personal items. Our small backpacks couldn’t exceed 7 kg. Here’s how we tackled it:

Essentials Only: Our backpacks held the absolute essentials—cables, chargers, and a lightweight laptop. No unnecessary gadgets or heavy books.

Layering Clothing: We wore our bulkiest clothing items (like full pants, shoes, and light travel jackets) during flights. This not only kept us warm but also saved space in our bags.

Digital Nomad Gear: As digital nomads, we needed our laptops. We chose a mini laptop, 2 phones, and other small video recording equipment (GoPro, Pixel 8 Pro, DJI Pocket 2, audio mics, etc.) to record for our YouTube channels.

Airport Luck: When Rules Bend

At the airport, we braced ourselves for scrutiny. But to our surprise, the airline staff didn’t bother weighing our backpacks. We sailed through the airline desks and security with our backpacks clearly under 7 kg.

In summary, traveling light requires discipline, creativity, and a willingness to let go of non-essentials. By sharing a suitcase and mastering the art of packing, we enjoyed a hassle-free adventure—one that proved you don’t need a massive wardrobe to explore the world. So next time you’re packing for an extended trip, remember that less really can be more! 🌎✈️