How to Create a New Gmail Account | How to Create a Free Gmail ID

How to Setup a Free Gmail Account

Creating your first Gmail email should not be a difficult task and in this article, I will talk about what you need to know.

Here are some basics you need to know –

- Type in create Gmail account in your search bar or go directly to

- Click on Create an Account. You will have to enter your name and Username. Username is what will make up your email address. Most of the usernames are taken, so you will have to be creative with your username. Gmail also suggests a username, which can be of good help.

- Pick a strong password as suggested. Do not share your password with anyone else.

- You will have to verify your phone number.

After following the above steps, your email will be ready. Once you have access to your email, your next step should be to familiarize yourself with how to use your inbox and other basics such as how to send, receive, and organise emails.

I have created a detailed video showing the step-by-step process so you can follow along and easily create your first Gmail email. It doesn’t take a lot of time to complete the process. Also, I will walk you through the details you need to know to start sending and receiving emails like a pro.

Here is the link: How to Create New Gmail Account from Scratch