How to Handle Cancelled Flights

Takes These Steps When Your Flights Get Cancelled

Flight cancellations happen more often than we think. Here are some simple strategies to help you deal with flight cancellation should it happen to you.

Contact Airline Immediately – Contact the airline desk at your airport immediately. Everyone on the same flight will be trying to rebook the next flight at the same time, so you have a better chance of success if you act right way. At the same time, call airline customer service while you are waiting for the service desk to resolve the issue. Sometimes calling directly results in faster rebooking. Try contacting them via social media as a last resort.

Travel Insurance – If you have travel insurance, call your travel insurance provider's customer service to understand the specifics of your coverage related to flight cancellations and what you would be required to do on your part.

Airline Compensation and Assistance - Enquire about immediate compensation provided by the airline! Have documentation ready to show. There’s a good chance you are entitled to meal vouchers, food expenses, hotel accommodation, and monetary compensation based on your scenario.

If you are not sure, do some research and have conversations with other stranded passengers. If you are dealing with these issues as a group instead of a single person, the airline will more likely cheap out on entitled compensations.

Bonus Tips – Make the most of your time. Visit shops, restaurants, or airport amenities. Some airports even boast unique attractions like art exhibits, gardens, or observation decks.

Relax, catch up on work, read a book, or simply unwind. If you have free lounge access, visit an airport lounge.

If you are facing a significant delay, inform anyone expecting you at your destination. Adjust accommodations or other travel reservations if necessary.

Remember, a cancelled flight doesn't have to ruin your trip. However, how you handle it may ruin your trip. With a positive outlook and this guide, you can overcome it and everything will be fine.