What You Need to Know About Tim Hortons Refreshed Rewards Program

Tim Hortons New Rewards Program

Tim Hortons just updated their rewards program, which will be effective starting Feb 21, 2023. Today, we will look at the changes and if the new Tim rewards programs is better or worse than before.

Tim Hortons Old Rewards Program

Here is a quick look at the current rewards program that will be obsolete starting Feb 21.

- Every purchase earns 10 points

- 50 cents minimum

- 30 minutes interval in between purchases to get points again

- To get free a Coffee and Donut you would require 70 and 50 points

Tim Hortons New Rewards Program

- Every $1 purchase earns 10 points

- 10 cents minimum

- Points will be converted from the old to the new program by multiplying 6.2

- To get free Coffee and Donut you would require 400 and 300 points

- No points buying or reloading Tim Cards

- Points expire after 1 year

Tim Hortons Devalues Its New Rewards Program

I will do a demonstration to prove that Tim Hortons new Rewards Program deteriorates from the old. Assuming you are spending $10 under the new program and $10 under the old program and ignoring the fact that you need to wait 30 minutes under the old program to get points again:

New Program – you would have to spend $40 to get a free coffee (400 points) and $30 to get a free donut (300 points).

Old Program - you would have to spend $3.50 to get a free coffee (70 points) and $2.50 to get a free donut (50 points).

For more details on how I derived these numbers, visit my video here:

New Tims Rewards Program - What You Need to Know Now

Even though the new program is not as lucrative as the old one, I will continue collecting points (instead of wasting them) and recommend doing so to make the most out of it.