Although India Is on Track to Becoming the Fastest Growing Economy, It Might Need Another 78 Years to Surpass China

New Visit Begins $22bn New Economic Era

First Published Date: May 21, 2015

China and India may have non-agreed issues from decades of mistrust, but economic cooperation is something these two Asian giants can agree upon. India’s PM Narendra Modi’s recent visit opened up a new economic bridge paved by $22bn to begin a new era of cooperation.

As China’s economic growth starts to slow down, India is expected to overtake China with its growth rate of more than 8 percent to become the world’s fastest growing economy. And China takes notes by not missing to become a partner of the growth opportunity in India.

China has expressed interest in investing in India’s $2tn before, but the progress has been slow due to various political issues on the Indian side. However, at the end of Mr. Modi’s visit to China, both countries signed $22bn deals to boost economic ties, starting with areas such as renewable energy, ports, financing and industrial parks, and so on.

Although India is on track to becoming the fastest growing economy, it has a long way to go to become the next China. China’s GDP is about five times that of India. As a recent Wall Street Journal post points out, India would require 78 years to surpass China at its current economic rate.

Although the new India-China economic cooperation begins a new era, their non-economic rivalries remain strong with no ending in sight. Decades-long border disputes and vying for regional influence to become the regional big brother are here to stay and have no indication of resolving anytime soon.