Why It's Great To Travel

Why We Should Travel

Ask a hundred people what they would do if they became a millionaire overnight, and at least half of them will include among their imaginary spending plans “a nice holiday somewhere hot”. Some will be able to take or leave the hot weather, but in the main the holiday will play an important part. We love our holidays, as they allow us to recharge our batteries and have a good time away from work concerns and other stresses. While some people will choose to take their holidays at home, there are enough of us who simply insist that a holiday must involve travel. Why is this? Well, there are a few reasons.

1. A change of scenery – With the best will in the world, spending a holiday at home gives too many reminders of work. Waking up in your own bed makes it all too easy to get the irrational fear that you are late for work. Sitting watching TV in your own living room gives way too much of a feeling of a surreptitious sick day – you spend too much time wondering if work is going to call and ask you to come in. Let’s see them do that if you are a few hundred miles away – or further. On a holiday abroad – or even just in a different state – you get the chance to unwind completely in a different setting. That change of scene can make a huge difference to your ability to relax.

2. A change of culture – The old saying goes “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”. Many people have had their own hilarious interpretations of this phrase in times gone past, many involving lions and Christians and almost all thinking they were the first person to make the joke. The key point about the original saying is that when you holiday somewhere different, to get the full benefit of it you should attempt to experience the things that locals do as a matter of course. The huge number of cultures in this world makes it interesting, and seeing things from a different perspective is never a bad thing.

3. A change of cuisine – We all know what we like, and many of us would go further, saying that we “like what we know”. While there is some truth to the suggestion that we all deal better with things that we are used to, the enjoyment of a holiday is often greatly increased by sampling the local cuisine. Of course, cuisine has become diverse even in single countries – most of us will have heard the possibly apocryphal story of a young boy holidaying in Italy, tugging on his mother’s sleeve and saying “Hey Mom, look! They have pizzas in Italy, too!” – but there is nothing like eating food made the way it was meant to be made, by people who have been eating it for years.

These are just three reasons, and undoubtedly you will have some of your own – feel free to share those, because people are like nations – we each appreciate different things.

To streamline and minimize blog maintenance, I will be discontinuing maintaining the Travelnowsimply.com website (however, I will still hold the domain). I will gradually move all articles from this site to AhmedDawn.com site. This article originally published on the above website on May 1, 2009.

Global Travel Made Simple

Welcome to Global Travel Section

This is the new global travel section from award-winning Canadian author A Dawn. It will focus on just about anything and everything to do with travel. As the title suggests, it aims to focus on traveling simply, as well as safely, to a range of popular destinations as well as a few which are off the beaten track. 

There is an old saying that it is better to travel hopefully than to arrive. And, while you understand what Robert Louis Stevenson was getting at when he said it (and what the Taoists were getting at when they said “the journey is the reward”) it is not necessarily accurate. Sure, there is a real enjoyment in the anticipation when you are traveling to somewhere you really want to go, but is the anticipation really better than the arrival and the experience when you are there? That surely depends on how artfully the holiday was sold to you. There are many of us who feel that although Stevenson and the Taoists were entitled to their opinion, the arrival and the holiday are the best bits.

Traveling is something that many of us have a real thirst for. The Germans have a word for it: wanderlust. It is a desire to journey, to explore, to experience something of the world away from your home. Not everybody has it. Some call it “itchy feet”, which seems somehow disparaging. Wanting to travel does not mean that one does not love their home – it just means that we want to visit other places too, and see how people do things in another environment. Is it better there? Not necessarily, but it is interesting, and brings a bit of variety to life. You can never have too much variety, surely?

Of course, both the journey and the holiday can sometimes fail to live up to expectations. As much as we enjoy a break from the norm, sometimes that break can come at the expense of things which we value highly or have simply come to expect. Holidays are mis-sold by people who misunderstand your requirements, or they are rated highly by someone whose taste differs from you. There are pitfalls for even the most experienced traveler because, when it comes down to it, we do not have omniscience and sometimes that “charmingly dilapidated” holiday cottage is actually just derelict. Sometimes “local character” is actually a high crime rate. But as often as not, it can just be a matter of taste.

Whatever one is looking for in a holiday, there will be countless Travel Now Simply1places that compete to offer you the ideal break for your needs. If you want to go skiing, for example, there are countless mountain ranges filled with ski resorts. Will you go to the one that is close to home? Will you go to the one with the global reputation for perfect snow and excellent après-ski? Will you go to the less-heralded, less expensive resort that is off the beaten track but has excellent write-ups wherever you look? There are a lot of choices to make.

Choices like these will be covered on this site. As the title suggests, Travel Now Simply aims to give you tips on how you can take a trip wherever you want to go, at short notice and with a minimum of extra considerations. After all, you go on holiday to relax, so you do not want to add unnecessary stress to the issue. We will feature tips on where to go, what to do while there, how to save money and how to travel safely – and much more besides. Whether you find it better to travel in hope, or to arrive, you will find plenty here to satisfy your wanderlust.

To streamline and minimize blog maintenance, I will be discontinuing maintaining the Travelnowsimply.com website (however, I will still hold the domain). I will gradually move all articles from this site to Ahmed Dawn Dot Com site. In the future, I plan to write more travel articles on this site . This article originally published on the above website on April 27, 2009.

Light Traveler's Travel Checklist

Light Travel Packing List 

First Published: EntrepreneurJourney.com Dec 11, 2011

I love to travel. And I guess it would be hard to find someone who does not like to travel. I am a minimalist person and what I have found out throughout my years of travel experience is that applying a minimalistic approach while you travel does make a difference - a lot of difference. When I travel, my objective is to pack only those things in my bag that are absolutely necessary. There is a day and night difference between carrying negligible-weight luggage and carrying bulky, hard to carry luggage. I have my own list of objects that I must need when I travel. Today, I will share this list with you. 

The Absolutely Can’t Survive Without It List   

- Toothpaste
- Toothbrush
- Mouthwash
- Cotton Swabs
- Floss
- Razor
- Deodorant
- Sunscreen
- Shave Foam
- Soap/Shower Gel
- Shampoo
- Conditioner
- Lotion
- Lip Balm
- Perfume
- Chewing Gum
- Glasses/Sunglasses
- Comb
- An unlocked cheap Smartphone
- Nail Cutter
- Hair Trimmer
- Polo Shirts (2-3 pieces) 
- T-Shirts (2-3 pieces) 
- Pants (2-3 pairs) 
- Underwear (2-3 pieces) 
- Socks (2-3 pairs) 
- Long Sleeve Shirts (1-2 pieces) 
- A packable Raincoat Light Jacket
- A winter Jacket, Scarf, Gloves, etc. (if your destination is a cold country) 
- Shorts/Pajamas (2-3 pairs) 
- A Tablet Computer
- A small Camera
- One Universal Travel Adapter (most of the A/C adaptors are dual voltage compatible these   
  days and you may not need a separate universal power converter) 
- A small Flashlight
- One pair of Light Shoes
- One pair of Light Sandal
- Some OTC Medicines and Accessories (Such as Band-Aids, medicines for pain, nausea,   
vomiting, cold and flu, diarrhoea, heartburn and gas, and so on) 
- Alcohol Wipes/Towelettes
- A few different size Ziploc bags and plastic bags
- Some Cereal Bars
- A mini travel First Aid Kit

The reason I asked to leave your expensive smartphone at home is because in some countries it may attract the unwanted attention of thieves or robbers. You need an unlocked phone because it lets you buy a SIM card in the destination country to make cheap phone calls if you don’t have Wi-Fi to use Skype. 

The reason I can survive with only 2-3 pairs of all my clothes is because I hand wash my dirty clothes every day and they are ready to wear again the next day. Also, if I think I missed something, I just buy it in my destination country.   

You may not need some items I mentioned here to travel light, or you may need to add some more. Save or print this page and make your own list if it will help. And yes, don’t forget to double-check before you leave to make sure you are not missing anything. Happy traveling! 

Welcome Yahoo Finance Readers!

Ahmed Dawn & Yahoo Finance

Too-good-to-be-true Brim credit card leaves applicants in the dark

Hello, everyone. If you are visiting this site or www.YouTube.com/ADawn after reading the Yahoo Finance article on Brim Credit Card where I provided insights, I welcome you to my sites.

Let me introduce myself a little bit if you are not familiar with me or my sites. My name is Ahmed Dawn, and I am a financial author, YouTuber, and a travel expert. I mainly concentrate on credit cards, rewards points, and my travel experiences on these sites. I have 20+ credit cards and 800+ credit score.

Most likely this is the only place where you will find non-affiliated, unbiased, and honest opinions on credit cards. Utilizing credit cards and travel rewards points, I travel the world flying mainly on business class and staying in expensive hotels for almost free or paying very little.

Please subscribe to my YouTube channel and be a part of this journey.

Thank you.

Ahmed Dawn on Yahoo Canada

Why I Mix Content

Wide Array of Subject

If you are a regular ADJ reader, you have noticed that I write on a variety of topics ranging a wide array of subjects. Although my main niche is Personal Finance, you will stumble on articles, pictures, videos nowhere related to personal finance on ADJ. So far, I have never had any complaints from my readers. However, my friends and readers, who know me personally, always ask why a personal finance site would have a mixture of content on a variety of subjects. Today let me answer that in this post.

So Many Personal Finance Sites, Only a Few worth Reading

There are countless personal finance sites exist these days. All these sites (or majority of them) have something in common - these are for professional investors; hardly will you find something for amateurs or regular persons who are trying to enhance personal finance knowledge to build a secure financial future. All these high-end sites will discuss similar kind of topics such as:

Which stock are paying good dividends

How to perform wash trades in your discount brokerage account

How to make million dollars

Ins and outs of Exchange Traded Funds (ETF)

How to hedge Hedge Funds

Ins and outs of Smith Manoeuvre

I am a personal finance author with both education and work-related finance background. However, sometimes I find it hard to apprehend and absorb these articles. What percentage of population are high-end investors holding dividend paying stocks or performing wash trades in their discount brokerage accounts?

Would You Do Same Stuff Over and Over?

Another thing I have noticed about majority of personal sites is repetition of subjects. They discuss same boring complicated personal finance stuff repeatedly. If you look at a few articles of these sites at a glance, you will see it is the same drink in different bottles. How long you can continue reading the ins and outs of Exchange Traded Funds or Index Funds. May be one year, two years, or five years? You will get tired of it one day, and will look for something simple enough and more related to your daily issues.

Why I Mix Content

The main reason – I don't want you to get bored hearing personal finance and money related issues on a daily basis. I try to balance personal finance and non-personal finance articles (including pictures and video clips) on a weight of 50 by 50 percent, or 40 by 60 percent, or something like that. Most of my non-personal finance articles are very useful and there is something in it for you to learn. Some of them may not be useful all but that's what a blog is about. Let me elaborate this in the next paragraph.

The Essence of a Blog

Blogs connect authors with readers on a personal level, and blogs build lasting relationships. Readers, who are reading ADJ, are interested in connecting my journey with theirs. Now, all aspects of my journey may not be useful to everyone, and that is fine - readers understand that. Sometimes I post video clips, pictures, and articles from my personal life journey. These elements foster a connection between me and my readers, and that's exactly why readers are reading this blog. They are searching for that connection, personal touch, and a relationship – which a non-blog site cannot provide.

I Was Shy and Afraid

I started posting pictures and video clips showing myself just recently. I did not do it before because I was shy and afraid thinking what if I loose my readers once they get to see myself in these videos, pictures? I thought may be it was just little too personal showing myself, or may be I should just post pictures and videos without showing myself. Then one day, I gathered enough courage to post my first video. Then I posted another video after a few days, and I kept posting more and more. I was keeping a sharp eye on my daily visitor and RSS stats. Instead of going down, it kept going up and up. I tested something and I got the results. Readers accepted as I am and they are more comfortable and connected to me than ever before. They know now the person behind ADJ and they have found the rapport they have been missing. That's why they keep coming back and recommending this site to their friends (I get comments from my readers stating someone else recommended this site).

Final Word

I learned something which may sound little too simple but it is very important. Readers love reading a blog and recommending it to their friends when they find these elements in it:

Simplicity – ADJ posts are always written in very simple and spontaneous way.

Honesty – I am what I am. I don't lie about anything and there is nothing to hide.

Arrogancy – There are lots of things I do not know. As I mentioned above, I have difficulty apprehending some of the personal finance sites (both Canadian and American). I write about what I know or at least I tired to know and learn.

Readers are the Lifeblood of ADJ – ADJ is ADJ because of my readers, whether it is first time visitors, or returning visitors. If you are reading this right at this very moment, you are a part of ADJ, and ADJ survives because of you. You read ADJ because of our mutual trust and relationship, because of our connection; not because I know more than you, or I claim that to be true. We all can learn from each other.

When I started this article, I thought it would be a short one; but look what I did! I feel great to let everything out and I know you will appreciate it. I thank you for becoming a part of this blog and hope we will continue our journey in the years to come
First Published: Sep 9, 2008 ADawnJournal.com